Revenue Expenditure: It is a short term expenditure incurred to meet operating expenses or daily short term business expenses to maintain profit of a company. The benefit of this expenditure is current year only or one year only. Capital Expenditure: It is a long term expenditure incurred on to purchase assets which increases the assets of a company. It benefited to company more than one year. Let’s find out the difference between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure: S.No. Point of difference Revenue Expenditure Capital Expenditure 1. What is the purpose of capital expenditure and revenue expenditure? Revenue expenditure helps to maintain the profit capability of a company. Capital expenditure helps to maintain the earning ability of a company. 2. How revenue and capital expenditures are used? Revenue expenditure is used to purchase resale ...
This blog is totally for education purpose which helps to solve finance related numerical like time value of money, annuity ,perpetuity, technique of capital budgeting, cost of capital, working capital management and hire purchase etc.