Insurance: It is
a contract between two persons, the person who takes insurance is known as insured
and another is insurer who offer the insurance contract. It is a contract in
which the insurer is liable to pay a fixed sum of money on happening a certain or
uncertain events to insured as agreed in a contract. And in exchange of it the
insured person pay fixed premium to insurer. The subject of a contract is a
life, property or health of a insured person or the things that related or
something that affects the insured person.
Life Insurance:
The insurance is taken by insured to protect his life for uncertain events in a
future. And the insurer is liable to pay certain sum of money on happening
uncertain events like death to its nominee.
Types of Life
Term Insurance:
In this insurance the life is insured for fixed period and the premium is low.
The insurer will pay lump sum amount only after death of an insured person
during a fixed period. Nothing is paid on survival of an insured person.
Whole Life Insurance:
This insurance protects the whole life of an insured person and the premium
amount is low. The insurer is liable to pay lump sum insured amount on a death
of an insured person and the time period doesn’t matter in a contract.
Endowment Insurance
policy: It is a combination of term insurance and pure endowment policy.
The insurer is liable to pay insured amount either on death of a insured person
or by maturity date of a insurance contract. And in exchange insured person
pays high premium to insurer.
Money Back Policy: In this policy life cover risk is
provided by insurer and simultaneously pay some percentage of insured amount to
insurance holder on fixed interval.
Unit Linked Life
Policy (ULIP): In this life insurance policy the premium paid by insured
person is invested in a bond, equity or debt fund and if the insured person
dies then death benefits will be given to nominee. By investing a premium
amount insured person earn some extra cash with assurance of a life.
Single Life Insurance:
This life insurance is taken by single person. The insurer pays the benefits on
death of an insured.
Joint Life Insurance: This type of life insurance is taken
by business partners or spouses. The reason behind taking this insurance is
happening any uncertain event in a life of one person affects the life of
another person. Joint life insurance is two types:
First to die policy:
Under this policy if the first person dies the benefits pays to the survival
Second to die policy:
Under this policy if both insured person is being dead then the insurer pay the
benefits or lump sum amount to nominee. If any insured person is alive then no
insured amount pay by insurance company.
Group Life Insurance:
The life insurance is taken by insured person to protect the life of a group of
people against the uncertain events. For example employer takes group life
insurance for his workers.
Salary Saving
Schemes: Under this scheme the employer deducts the insurance premium to
insured salary and pay lump sum amount to insurance company.
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