financial position can be check by various methods like Cash Flow Statement,
Ratio Analysis, Balance Sheet and Equity price etc.
are two analysis are used which help to evaluate the price of an equity that is
fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
In fundamental analysis the stock prices are mispriced by
market in short run and later it is corrected by market. When a mis-priced
securities are traded in a market. The fundamental approach helps to determine
the correct price of security. It includes three analyses:
Firm or
Company Analysis
With the help of economic analysis the economic condition
of market being analysed like interest rate, inflation, recession period,
political rules and regulations etc. In different economic conditions the stock
prices of a company changes.
With the help of Industry analysis company can find out
the industry condition under which company can work like automobile industry,
textile industry, IT industry and E commerce industry etc. working under
different industry has different impact on company which affects the price of
that company’s share.
Analysis of firms is necessary because each firm has its
own rules and regulations. The working of a firm is affected by its internal
and external factors like manager’s decision, strike in a firm, and change in
the policy of a firm.
Economic analysis
is further divided into two parts:
Internal environment
Economic analysis
helps to determine the economic condition under which the businesses are
working. It affects the working environment of a Company’s. An economic condition has positive and
negative impact on Companies working environment.
In Internal environment the factors are partially or
wholly controllable in nature.
In external environment the factors are un -controllable
in nature.
The external environment is further divided into two
In micro environment the factors affect directly the
working of a Company. The factors are Competitors, Organisation, Suppliers,
Market intermediaries and Customers.
In macro environment the factors affect indirectly the
working of all Companies in general. The factors of macro environment are
Population, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal and Political and
How does a micro and macro factor affect the company's working directly and indirectly?
If there is any change in the micro factors for example customer
satisfies with the product of a company he / she/ institute will recommend
others to use that product. It helps to increase sale of that product, increase
the market volume and also increases the customer.
In other hand if customer is not satisfy with the product
then it will show negative impact of company in the eye of that customer
and he/she will not recommend that
product to others. The number of customers of a company decreases.
In macro factors the changes affect the companies as a
whole. For example any changes by government in the legal rules under which
companies work. It will indirectly affect the companies or company working.
That rules and regulations are not for specific company, it is for every
companies who works under that legal act or industry.
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