In individual incentive plan different
incentive plans are introduced by different people. Some of the incentive plans
are as follows:
Halsey premium plan: It is invented by F.A. Halsey in 1981.In this
plan standard time and standard work are fixed. If the workers completed
standard work in standard time they will be rewarded by incentives. And the
incentives are calculated by time saved multiply with wage rate and the result
will multiply with bonus percentage. If the bonus percentage is not given then
in that case 50% of bonus is provided to them. This plan is not suitable when
quality of product is more important. If the workers are not able to work
standard work in standard time then those workers get wages according to their
working hour to complete the given work.
premium plan: It is invented in 1898 by James Rowan. This plan is similar
to Halsey premium plan but there is a slight difference in this plan that is
instead of 50% bonus, the bonus is calculated. To calculate the bonus time
saved is divided by standard time and the result is multiplied with time taken and
then the result of it multiplied with rate per hour to get the final result.
Taylor Differential piece rate plan: It is introduced by Mr. F.W.Taylor. In this
plan 2 piece rates is fixed that is high wage rate and low wage rate. The
standard work is also fixed. The bonus is not given to workers instead of it workers
get higher wage rate if they work efficiently. There is no guarantee of minimum
wage is given to workers. If the workers complete the standard work then they
get 80% of normal wage rate and if the workers complete the standard work higher
than standard then they get 120% of normal wage rate.
Merrick Multiple Piece rate system: It is similar to Taylor piece rate but under
this system 3 piece rate is fixed instead of 2. Those workers who meet less
than 83% of standard output, they get wages at ordinary piece rate. And those
workers whose performance level is 83% to 100% of standard output in that case
those workers get wages at the rate of 110% of ordinary piece rate. And the
workers whose performance level is more than 100% of standard output, they get
wages at the rate of 120% of ordinary piece rate.
Gantt Bonus plan: Under this plan guarantee time rate wage and
bonus is given. In this plan high rate and differential piece rate is also
included. If the workers work less than standard output than they get wages
according to time rate and if the workers meet the standard output than they get
20% bonus of time rate with wages. And if the workers work more than standard
output than they get wages according to output produced at high piece rate.
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